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That's a "How To build your own GSM" page for help autonomous communities to get, configure and use their own GSM network. It's based on Fumaça Data Springs project which is based on Rhizomatica experience (just a way to do it).
== BTS ==
La estación base transceptora está encargada únicamente de realizar y mantener la comunicación de radio con los móviles a través de [[wikipedia:Um interface|la interfaz Um]]. Para ello utiliza dos radios, una para recibir y otra para enviar. La base del hardware en sí es simplemente de una a tres placas base conectadas por ethernet entre ellas que contienen dos radios emitiendo cada una de ellas en una frecuencia diferentes.
=== Nuran Litecell BTS ===
Comes with
* GPS antenna
* Power supply
Components (inside a IP66 box):
* 2 SDRs
* controller board
* 2x2W amplifiers
Uses Nuran's proprietary software (we opted not to install OpenBTS following Rhizomaticas's advice)
You need:
* 2 antennas with N connector (if you have not an 850-900 antenna you can use 2,4GHz (WiFi) antennas.
== Turning on the station ==
Once we got two antenas installed at the BTS we turn it on and this numbers appears: 90770 / 00174
== BSC ==
BSC (Base Station Controller) implementation of A-bis, you need in other equipment.
=== Open BSC ===
* Runs in a PC with Linux
* Connects to BTS through an ethernet cable
* Use free software:
=== Rhizomatica's version of OpenBSC ===
Rhizomatica's github:
Rhizomatica's instructions:

Edição das 03h57min de 23 de julho de 2015

How to Built your own GSM

Como fazer uma rede sem fios

Lista do equipamento

Oficinas comunitárias

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